Promoting Run for Better Health in Community

“Investment in health and fitness is the key to have long-term benefits in life”-  

 Says 40-years-old Ravindra G Rajput  working as Deputy Manager in TIMF MURUGAPPA Group, Maharashtra.

I started my cycling and running journey on 31st January, 2016. My weight was touching 94 Kgs. I was unhealthy and felt tired quiet often. Due to the weight I was unable to perform my office work and also had early signs of knee pain. My Doctor suggested some light exercise like walking & jogging. I took the advice to heart and started walking, jogging and cycling on a daily basis. Initially I started with 2/3Km of cycling and walking-Running. Colleague I knew made fun of me when they saw me run & cycle daily, but I ignored and continued towards my goal. With the help of Mr. Abhishek Khandalkar whom I consider my running Guru he inspired & guided me to running/Marathons, I took part in my first ever Marathon “Runathon of Hope”31st Jan2016. My Cycling Inspirations is FirozaMam (Director of Smart Commute Foundation Mumbai) she inspired me Cycle2Work Campaign for fitter life & Support the Nobel Cause and well Guided The spark of fitness got enlightened in me and there was no looking back after that.